Tigersharks First Meet

    Tigershark Parents,

    We just started practice yesterday with 81 swimmers in the pool. Great turnout. That is 9 more than last year. 

    But we cannot relax as we have to get ready for our first meet Saturday June 2. It is a home meet which starts at 2:00 PM and should be over around 5:00 PM. Best of all it is all relays, and to be ready for the meet, we have started practicing relay exchanges. It is a FUN first meet for all our new and returning swimmers.

    BUT we, your coaches, need to know if your swimmer(s) are going to be at this first meet. 

    WARNING: We have changed how we signed up for the meets this year. We MUST OPT IN. Last year you had to OPT OUT. This year you have to tell us if your swimmer(s) are swimming. If they are you MUST go online and OPT IN.  Again THIS IS DIFFERENT from last year

    The procedures are on the website, https://www.sewaneetigersharks.com/meet-sign-up-sl...

    But basically:

    1. Log in. At the top right corner of every page of the TigerSharks team website, you will see, "Already a member? Login." Click on that link to be brought to the login page, and log into your SwimTopia account.
      • In most cases, you set up a SwimTopia account for your family as part of the process of registering your swimmer(s) online.
      • If you have not yet set up your SwimTopia account, or do not remember your login credentials, the process is the same:
        1. Click "Forgot your password?
        2. Enter the e-mail address you used to register your swimmer and click "Reset My Password." Instructions on how to reset your password will be e-mailed to you.
        3. Return to the login page, and sign in.

    2. View the meets on the Meets & Other Events page. Navigate to the Meets & Other Events page, where you will see a schedule of this season’s TigerSharks meets and other events. Each meet will have two green buttons next to it: one for Meet Entry and one for Job Signup.

    3. Opt In for the meets your swimmer(s) will attend. For each meet that your swimmer(s) can attend, click on the green Meet Entry button and you will see your family's meet status. You may see a request for volunteers in the yellow box. Disregard that for now and scroll down below the yellow box and click on the "Edit” button. Using the drop-down menu, change your swimmer's attendance status from "Attending" to "Not Attending" and click "Save.”

    Please let me know what questions or concerns you might have

    Coach John

    PS: While you are on the website go ahead and get a T-shirt. Orders have to be placed tonight as we want the team to have them for the first meet.

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